A major automotive company operating in Slovakia expanded its 2024 production with new models, including electric vehicles. To ensure a smooth production start, it needed to hire a large number of new employees. However, previous attempts to recruit foreign employees encountered several issues.
Online interviews were not enough. Employees did not meet requirements upon arrival
The plant planned to launch serial production of three new vehicle models in 2024, with half of the production consisting of electric vehicles. To meet production targets, it was essential to secure stable employees. Since hundreds of positions needed to be filled, it was impossible to meet the demand solely from the local labor market. The situation was further complicated by a lack of suitable and motivated candidates.
Recruitment agencies previously collaborating with the client selected foreign employees exclusively via video interviews without verifying them in their home countries. However, upon arrival in Slovakia, it became clear that candidates lacked the necessary technical skills.
Moreover, new employees often left during their probationary period, with turnover reaching double-digit figures. This affected production as well. Costs associated with training, high employee rotation, and decreased production efficiency were rising. Additionally, internal team dissatisfaction grew, as existing employees had to compensate for the work of inadequately selected workers.
The client, therefore, sought a solution that would ensure not only an efficient selection of employees but also minimize risks associated with unsuitable candidates. They realized that the situation could not be managed using traditional recruitment methods, which led them to approach us to find a solution together.
We tailored the recruitment process to meet the client’s specific needs
Since the client faced a shortage of local employees, we leveraged our direct presence abroad and extensive experience in international recruitment. Thanks to our partnership in India, we have access to over 50,000 verified candidates.
In this case, we sent our recruitment team directly to the employees’ home countries. In India and Nepal, we personally tested the technical skills of 267 candidates. Additionally, we verified their language proficiency and work history. We provided the client with regular reports on recruitment progress and results. They also had access to video recordings of individual candidates’ tests to personally check adherence to work procedures.
A thorough pre-selection process paid off. Out of 267 screened candidates, only 13 were found unsuitable. The remaining 254 candidates (95.13%) were prepared and recommended to the client. Currently, all selected candidates are already working for the client.
To facilitate integration, we prepared an integration manual covering work procedures and practical aspects of life in Slovakia – from accommodation and bank accounts to local customs.
Our results:
Filling an additional work shift,
Reducing turnover,
Lowering costs for repeated employee training.
We shortened the recruitment timeline, improved the quality of results, and ensured better candidate readiness for onboarding.
Do you need to quickly strengthen your production or workforce capacity?
Are you facing a similar situation? Whether you need to hire a large number of employees at once or continuously supplement your team, we can help. We offer comprehensive services from temporary staffing and recruitment to specialized hiring of foreign employees.