
What type of employer are you?

At SYNERGIE, we attach essential importance to understanding the identity of the company that entrusts us with a recruitment mission as well as the way it communicates with all its targets. The candidate is a demanding “customer” who must be seduced. We believe that our duty is to support you in order to better reveal and highlight yourself.

A 360° discovery

Understanding your challenges, your projects, knowing your corporate culture… Our initial discussions are geared towards understanding your company’s DNA as accurately as possible. It is also the phase of collecting content, testimonials from employees and your communication media in order to take ownership of your discourse. Faced with the candidates, we need to be “you”.

The assignment entrusted to us

A detailed and in-depth analysis of the position and its environment is an essential phase. At SYNERGIE, we study, with you, the profile that you are looking for to offer you candidates with the expected skills and the interpersonal skills compatible with your environment.

More advice

In order to make the best decision, it is often a good idea to step back. Analysing the components of your employer image, the coherence of your project in the short, medium and long term. While our support sometimes goes beyond the scope of the recruitment assignment itself, it is always with the aim of succeeding for you and with you.