PEO in Czech Republic and Slovakia
PEO stands for Professional Employer Organisation. Expanding your business to the Czech Republic and Slovakia offers unlimited opportunities for growth. However, companies entering the most dynamic economies in the CEE region have to ensure that their HR policies and payroll processing systems are compliant with local laws and regulations. Payroll processing in a foreign country can be costly, time consuming, and liable to result in violations of legal requirements.
In this respect, you can rely on the services of an international HR expert: SYNERGIE is here to assume responsibility for your payroll and HR-related affairs.
Our services include:
- Employment of local and foreign workers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
- HR services and payroll processing for employees and contractors
- Recruitment, outplacement
We offer full-service solutions, solutions for small and medium enterprises, and solutions for multinational corporations and organisations operating in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, or both. Our experts work in Czechoslovak teams under joint management, which guarantees the same scope and level of services as well as a single contact point for both countries.
The less time you spend worrying about the regulatory aspects of entering a new market and dealing with local employment laws and remuneration regulations, the more time you will have to focus on your business plans and targets.
Payroll outsourcing is a cost-effective, fast, and simple method of paying remuneration to your workers and fulfilling taxation requirements.
Payroll outsourcing allows you to focus attention on your business as you can rest assured that wages are paid to your workers properly and social security requirements are duly complied with.
You do not need to worry about penalties for late or incomplete submissions or payments. Likewise, you do not need to be concerned about the complexity of payroll processing regulations.
We are prepared to immediately assume responsibility for your HR affairs and payroll processing. You can be safely conducting business in the Czech Republic and Slovakia as early as tomorrow!
The company entering the new market must gain its own knowledge of legislation, wages and obligations, employers and establish umbrella organisations in the new territory and communicate with many authorities. All these activities must be managed and monitored by legislation.

If it relies on a quality PEO supplier, its only concern is to pay invoices and communicate with a single supplier. In the case of cooperation with SYNERGY, you also have the option of serving both countries via a single communication node.

As an employer of record (EOR), SYNERGIE assumes responsibility for all of your administrative, legislative, and remuneration processes. In addition, you will receive consulting regarding customary practices on the labor market in the countries where we operate (standard benefits, worker expectations, salary levels, availability of specialists, ongoing reports on changes in HR laws).
You will remain in charge of the management of your business.
- Costs are kept under control: This mainly concerns projects requiring local expertise.
- Simpler administration: You do not need to worry about administrative tasks. You can fully concentrate on your core business, as all HR affairs will be handled by SYNERGIE.
- Compliance with the law: Agency employment is regulated under the Labor Code. With SYNERGIE, there is no risk of unlawful employment.
- Transparency: No unexpected costs. You will only pay a flat monthly fee in addition to wages and other staff costs.
- SYNERGIE assumes liability: We assume labor law obligations and liability for accounting operations.
- Fast and easy recruitment: Agency employees will be available to your company essentially right away.
- We enter into contracts with the candidates you choose, whom we will legally employ.
- Deferment of costs related to the payment of wages.
- Registration with tax authorities in the Czech Republic
- Registration with the Czech Social Security Administration
- Preparation of employment agreements
- Application of expatriation status, if applicable
- Calculation of monthly wages and preparation of pay slips
- Consulting regarding available tax deductions
- Filing tax returns and reports for the social security and medical insurance schemes
- Correspondence with stakeholders.
- Annual financial statements, administration, accounting
- Preparation of payment schedules for income tax, social security, medical insurance, and net wages
- Personal income tax refunds
All-inclusive onboarding services:
- Communication with clients and employees
- Procurement of visas and work permits
- Registration for social security and medical insurance
- Initial medical examination.
- Drafting and signing employment-related documents
- Organisation of training
- Allocation of work needs (such as mobile telephone, PC, company car, office, etc.), procurement of insurance
Payroll processing:
- Regular payment of wages
- Distribution of pay slips
- Procurement and distribution of restaurant vouchers
- Reimbursement for travel and work-related expenses
- Annual payment of income taxes
All-inclusive offboarding services:
- Compiling employment-related documents
- Cancellation of registration for social security and medical insurance
- Return of allocated work needs
- Distribution of exit documentation
HR consulting:
- Ongoing monitoring of changes in laws
- Remuneration and taxation consulting for the client and workers
Are you interested in Payroll services in CZ or/and SK? Please fill in the form, we will contact you immediately.
SYNERGIE is a traditional supplier of quality workforce to industry, logistics and services. We operate more than 25 years on the Czech market, over 50 years of experience in Europe. Our long-standing know-how gives us full control over processes. Thanks to this we provide our clients with fast, smooth and high-quality coverage of their requirements.
Learn more about SYNERGIE

Bauen Sie Ihr Unternehmensengagement in Tschechien und der Slowakei aus, ohne sich um die Personalanwerbung und die Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung Sorgen machen zu müssen. Passgenau auf die Kundenbedürfnisse zugeschnittene PEO-Dienstleistungen. Schnell, ohne Risiko, kostensenkend. Ein Mitglied der Unternehmensgruppe SYNERGIE GROUP mit mehr als 50 Jahren internationaler Erfahrung.

Ampliate la vostra attività in Repubblica Ceca e Slovacca senza preoccuparvi di assunzioni e gestione dei libri paga. Il servizio PEO è personalizzato per ogni cliente. Velocità, nessun rischio, costi ridotti. Membro del gruppo SYNERGIE GROUP con oltre 50 anni di esperienza a livello internazionale.

Développez votre activité en République tchèque et en Slovaquie sans avoir à vous soucier de la gestion du recrutement et de la paie. PEO vous offre un service client personnalisé. Rapidité, fiabilité et réduction des coûts. Membre du GROUPE SYNERGIE, avec plus de 50 ans d’expérience à l’international.

Expand your business operations in the Czech and Slovak Republics without having to worry about personnel and payroll functions. PEO services tailored to our clients’ needs. Fast, risk-free, and cost-cutting. A member of SYNERGIE GROUP with 50+ years of international experience.

Rozšiřte své podnikání v České a Slovenské republice bez obav z náboru a správy mezd. Služba PEO šitá na míru klientům. Rychle, bez rizika, redukce nákladů. Člen skupiny SYNERGIE GROUP s 50+ let mezinárodních zkušeností.

Our services: Employer of Record, local employer, local partner, employer of record services, peo, payroll service, professional employer organisation, EOR Outsourcing Czech Republic Payroll, Payroll compliance, full spectrum of PEO services, peo services, HR ousourcing, outsourcing Payroll compliance